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टिन मैल

Tin Dross

Tin dross is a byproduct formed during the smelting or soldering processes involving tin. It consists of oxidized impurities and molten metal that float to the surface of the tin melt. Tin dross typically contains a mixture of tin oxide, other metal oxides, and residual tin. It is often recycled to recover the valuable tin content through refining processes. Tin dross is commonly encountered in industries like electronics manufacturing and metal plating.

समीर इंटरप्राइजेज
GST : 27AAPPR2433M1Z5
बिल्डिंग नंबर 348, कल्पतरु, फ्लैट नंबर 1104 11वां, नवयुवान रोड सेक्टर-3 सृष्टि, मीरा रोड ई,मीरा भयंदर - 401208, महाराष्ट्र, भारत
फ़ोन :08045800476
श्री समीर रूपाणी (मालिक)
मोबाइल :08045800476